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The Candle

Preparation Time:

45 minutes

What do I need:

  • 1 jar of Mamie Bio jam
  • 14 centimeters of candle wick
  • 400g of beeswax
  • A pan
  • Oven gloves
  • 2 wooden sticks of about 10 centimeters or 2 chopsticks
  • 2 10 centimeters pieces of twine

Let’s get started!

1- Remove the label under hot water by rubbing with a sponge.

2- Melt the wax until it becomes transparent.

3-Drop some beeswax in the center of the jar, then put 2cm of candle wick inside. This will maintain the wick stucked to the bottom of the jar. Be careful not to touch the wax without gloves, it could burn !

4- To keep the wick upright, wedge the tip that protrudes from the pot between the two wooden sticks lying flat on the pot.

5- Tie the twine around the ends of the sticks to keep them close.

6- Slowly drop the wax and let it cool down.

7- Wait until the wax is solidified to remove twine and sticks.

The little trick

from the creator, Anaïs, marketing assistant at Vitamont :

« to perfume your candle, add some cinamon powder while cooking. »

Find more inspiration here!

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