Chocolate Spread Cream
Cooking Time:
30 minutes
Preparation Time:
30 minutes
This is what I need:
– 4 tablespoons Mamie Bio Chocolate Spread
– 100g black chocolate
– 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
– 600ml milk
Let’s get started!
1- Pour the milk into a saucepan and set aside a glass of milk
2- Heat the pan over low heat.
3-Add the spread and chocolate without stopping stirring.
4- Dissolve the cornstarch in the glass of cold milk. Then add it to the pan.
5- Continue stirring until mixture thickens.
6- Pour into ramekins.
7- When cooled, refrigerate the ramekins for at least 2 hours.
The little trick
Add crunch by sprinkling your creams with chopped hazelnuts before serving.