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jus pastèque citron menthe

Baby watermelon juice


4 people

Preparation Time:

10 minutes

Rest Time:

30 minutes

This is what I need:

– 1 baby watermelon
– 8 cl of Pure Sicilian Lemon Juice
– mint leaves

Let’s get started!

1- Cut the watermelon in half and remove the flesh by removing the seeds.
2- In a blender, mix the watermelon, lemon juice and a little water to thicken the mixture.
3- Pour the preparation into a carafe and add the mint leaves. Leave to infuse in a cool place for a minimum of 30 minutes.
4- Before placing the preparation in the glasses, remove the mint leaves.

The little trick

Add lemon slices and some mint leaf to the glasses for decoration!

Find more inspiration here!

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